
Running towards resilience: how physical activity can boost mental health

Editorial by Caroline Costongs

“Mental health at work has remained in the shadows for too long,” Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister urges EU to dedicate the next 10 years to mental health

For the first time in a decade, the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union has placed mental health and wellbeing at the forefront of the EU agenda. In a conversation with Frank Vandenbroucke, Belgium’s Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, we delved into the visionary initiatives of the Belgian EU Presidency, how Belgium is championing the mental health of European workers and… Read More

18 June 2024

Health without walls: building trans-inclusive healthcare

Access to health and social care is a universal right, or at least, it should be. Yet for many trans people, navigating health systems can often be a daunting and challenging experience. Discrimination, lack of understanding, and inadequate resources frequently stand as barriers to accessing essential, basic health and social needs. The question is: are our current health systems healing or harming our trans communities?  Comments from influential figures can… Read More

18 June 2024

Why we need to talk about mental health after COVID: “Sharing my story may help governments and others to understand the impact of COVID on young people’s mental health.”

In 2024, COVID’s lasting effects are still evident. Its impact on livelihoods, health, and food systems has been devastating. While some have fared better than others, the pandemic has undeniably affected us all. Young people, in particular, have borne the brunt of this unprecedented time. Studies have shown that since 2020, the mental health of young people has dramatically declined. But it’s not just COVID. The climate crisis and strain… Read More

18 June 2024

“Believe in human beings, the right to self-determination, and the right to live with dignity”: mental health advocate fights stigma and calls for change

Isolation and judgement contribute to the mental health problems of many people across Europe. In Poland, however, the Human Foundation (Fundacja Człowiek) is standing as a beacon of hope. Founded by Mateusz Biernat, the organisation has become a model for supporting those in need. We sat down with Mateusz to learn more about the Foundation’s groundbreaking work.   Mateusz Biernat knows all too well the journey of mental health recovery…. Read More

18 June 2024

Beyond health: Andalusia’s revolutionary approach to family gender equality

Strong family bonds are the pillars of wellbeing for people of all ages from children to adults. However, families come in all shapes and sizes, and each faces unique challenges. Initiatives such as Andalusia’s ‘Open Window to the Families’ programme recognises this by providing crucial support to nurture wellbeing for everyone, regardless of their family structure. Monica Padial, a Technical Officer in Communications and Francisco Ruiz Domínguez, Senior advisor from… Read More

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