Netherlands – Dutch Institute for Healthcare Improvement (CBO)

CBO is a not-for-profit research organisation and has expertise in health promotion and quality improvement in health care. CBO was founded in 1979 as Central Accompagnement Organization for peer review by the Dutch Association of Chief Medical Officers. Originally CBO focused on improving the quality of care by physicians and other healthcare professionals. From 1999, CBO also focused on the organizational aspects of quality of care. Furthermore, CBO supports organizations in systematically improving quality dimensions and patient safety, patient centeredness, effective and efficient care. In recent years the patient has become a direct partner in improving quality of care. Since August 2012 CBO expanded its activities with the topic of health promotion by merging with the Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion (NIGZ). CBO’s work in the field of health promotion is inspired by the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, in which health promotion is described as ‘the process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health’. Within this context CBO aims to support professionals in the field of practice, policy and research by (action) research, innovation, development and implementation of health promotion and health care improvement. Specifically, CBO aims to support in those stages in life and in those settings where important health gains could be reached: school health, health of vulnerable groups, healthy aging, health literacy, healthy hospitals and healthy communities. CBO is a respected partner in many European (research) projects, funded by DG Sanco, DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion and by the FP7 programme.

To know more about CBO, click here

By Janine Vervoordeldonk

What are the aims of Dutch institute for health care improvement (CBO)?

Annex 11 - CBOlogoThe aim of CBO, the Dutch institute for health care improvement is to improve the quality of health promotion and healthcare.

How do you work at national / regional levels?

CBO has been working for over 30 years as a reference and research institute and a centre for implementation. CBO’s main driver is patient centred healthcare & health promotion.

CBO implements health care innovations, innovates and builds bridges, especially if there are:

  • Complex professional systems;
  • Situations where a sharp analysis of social and scientific and political trends is necessary to convert them into manageable instruments for the care;
  • New healthcare & health promotion issues.

CBO focuses on the development, implementation and review of professional quality in healthcare & health promotion. In addition, CBO (re)develops and validates methods and quality tools. CBO focuses specifically on:

  • Guidelines & Indicator Development
  • Implementation & Quality Tools
  • Patient Focus & Self-management (including health literacy)
  • Logistics, Labour & Comprehensive care
  • Patient safety & Transformation
  • School health promotion
  • Reducing Health Inequalities

Our main partners on national level and regional level are organisations in the field of healthcare (such as hospitals, home care organisations) and health promotion, policy makers, municipal health services, educational boards etc. On national level CBO also collaborates with the Centre for Healthy Living (RIVM).

Why did you decide to become a Member of EuroHealthNet?

CBO has a long history in international activities in the improvement of health care. Since August 2012, CBO has expanded its activities with the topic of health promotion by merging with the Netherlands Institute for Health Promotion (NIGZ). CBO therefore broadened their vision from healthcare to health promotion and prevention activities. Being a member of EuroHealthNet, fits very well the in international activities of CBO. At international level, CBO focuses on various themes, such as: Reducing inequalities in health, self management and health literacy, school health promotion, patient safety and integrated care.

What is your vision (ideal scenario) for public health and health promotion in the EU? How can EuroHealthNet contribute to achieving this?

The ideal scenario for public health and health promotion in the EU is equal health and equal access to health care for all people. In order to reach this goal we should collaborate, share knowledge and experiences and developing together new strategies in order to reduce health inequalities and the main public health diseases (cardiovascular diseases, cancer etc.). This also requires working together of various policy sectors (health in all policies). Eurohealthnet plays an important role in bringing people together (networking), gathering the knowledge and experiences from all over Europe and advocating for equity in health at European level.


Janine Vervoordeldonk
+ posts

Janine is a senior consultant at CBO health promotion department and coordinates international activities. Since August 2012, Janine has worked as a senior advisor in the Health Promotion division of CBO. Janine has been working in this field since 1995 (NIGZ) and has been involved in European projects since then. Within CBO, she is responsible for coordination of the international activities. Janine’s main focus is on inequalities in health, health of families and children and health literacy. Examples of Janine’s involvement in international projects are Closing the Gap, Determine, the Gradient, Crossing Bridges, Action for Health, Hepcom, Drivers and IROHLA.

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