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Submission Guidelines


We welcome any form of articles, whether it’s a complete piece of writing or just an idea.

We work with you to decide how to turn your concept into a compelling article.

Article style

We encourage a range of articles including:

  • Commentary
  • Features
  • Interviews
  • Opinion
  • Personal experience
  • Perspective
  • Q and A
  • Reviews

Submissions must be original features and on occasion authors may be asked to complete a media release form.

Word count

Articles should be no more than 700 words.

Our contributors

Our contributors are experts in public health, health promotion, health inequalities, disease prevention, and other areas that affect health. Our regular inclusion of articles comes from EuroHealthNet member organisations. Find out how you can become a member. However, we also work with external organisations to tell the stories behind health equity.

Submissions from external organisations Think Tanks, and foundations that are also funded by the private sector can be included where assurances of independence and integrity is agreed upon and applied.

EuroHealthNet’s policy of working with economic operators is that 'in any process related to regulatory processes or environments, for example in regulating food, alcohol or similar products, EuroHealthNet will apply a precautionary principle of not working with economic operators unless a transparent guarantee of independence and integrity is agreed and applied.'

Media files

When you send your article to the editorial team please make sure:

  • All images, videos and other media formats that support the article must be sent to us with full copyright holders’ permission and name.
  • All images must be in .PNG or .JPG format and of a high resolution (72 PPI).
  • Images must be sent as seperate attachments in the email body or via an image sharing service such as WeTransfer for files that are larger.


  • Using the Harvard Referencing system in a reference library at the end of your article, all statistical information, websites, quotes, and other referenced content must be properly cited. Unsure of the style? Please see the reference style guide see here. 
  • As part of the Editorial process, we check and authenticate all referenced data that is sent to us to ensure integrity of articles.

Social Media

Don’t forget to provide us with the social media handles (for example: @EuroHealthNet) for any platforms that are relevant so the we can promote your work through the correct channels.


  • In keeping with the house-style of the Magazine, submitted features should be written in British English and/or the relevant European language style and spelling. If you are unsure of a style point in English, you may wish to refer to the UK Government or Oxford University style guides, or ask us for assistance.
  • Articles should include a short, snappy headline and section sub-titles relevant to the article.
  • Each article includes a lead abstract paragraph (no more than 100 words) that sets the scene for the piece. You can include this yourself if you would like, though it is typically written during the editing process.
  • Keeping storytelling elements at the heart of the article, the story’s angle should have a clear, concise structure.
  • Be sure to give specifics about who you are, why you took the best-practice approach you did, who it was directed at, how you went about it, the outcomes, and any call to actions in the article.
  • Include a biography of 50 words for each author, along with a high resolution profile picture.


  • The Magazine is an online bi-annual publication, released in Spring/Summer and Autumn/Winter each year.
  • The full edition of the Magazine is released to over 12,000 recipients
  • Each of the articles are individually promoted via our social media channels.
  • You will receive a link that can be used to share the article.

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While any reasonable efforts were made to provide accurate translations, there may be errors.

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